How Enrollment Works

Marketing Plans

By enrolling in marketing your clients are eligible* to receive:

  • Monthly Multi-Partner Themed Email
  • Monthly Multi-Partner Offer Email
  • Up to 4x/month targeted Single-Partner Offer Emails
  • Digital publications (4 Range/4 Range Best/2 Annual Directories)
  • 4 printed Range lifestyle magazines with personalized back cover
  • 3 printed Range Best retail magazines** with personalized back cover
  • Up to 1 Direct Mail initiative/week

How to Enroll

  • Reach out to marketing to find out how many print names you qualify for. Then, fill out the enrollment form and upload your client database.

For Canadian Members: Express consent Opt-in/Opt-Out

  • To provide peace of mind and ensure you have Express consent from all of your clients, Ensemble will enroll all uploaded clients into a double opt-in consent email campaign.
  • If a customer opts-out they are immediately removed from our marketing program, PLUS a notification will be sent to you so you can update any other records that apply.

Next Steps

  • Once enrolled, you will receive information on next steps including how to use the Ensemble Marketing Hub.

Privacy Policy

  • Once enrolled we will provide you with a standardized Privacy Policy for use on your website.
  • The Privacy Policy outlines the terms & conditions for collecting client information and using it to communicate personalized and relevant marketing initiatives.

* Eligibility and number of pieces received based on supplier criteria & target match. Multi-supplier emails are not segmented, they go to your entire list with a valid email address and state if applicable
** Range Best presents theme based on database alignment

  • © 2024 Ensemble Travel, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • TICO: #50022140 | CST: 2141530-70